Cybersecurity incites a level of fear that seems appropriate, given all that's at stake. These are boom times for cyberthreats, cyberattacks and cybercrime. More and more sophisticated attacks are being lauched. Every minute, the world sees about half a million attack attempts. This doesn't mean striving for perfection, but rather, ensuring that the most critical assets and information be secured and maximum possible risks be remediated and bringing down the residual risks to minimal acceptable levels.
In this post, we shall run through the cyber security stats for the year 2016 to help you get an insight of the attack trends :

10% - of the compromises were due to Malicious File upload vulnerability whereas 7% were due to Malicious insiders.
23% - of the total compromises have been targeted towards organizations from the retail industry.
40% - increase in compromises affecting corporate and internal networks in 2015.
31% - of the attacks, the attackers were targetting the Card Track data.
29% - of the attacks, the attackers targetting Card data from E-commerce transactions.
47% - of the attacks through POS malware were observed in the North American region.
79% - of the attacks were self-detected by the Latin Americans. However, 59% of the customer's attacks were detected by Law enforcement and Regulatory bodies.
168 - days are required on an average to detect an intrusion and were contained in approximately 15 days.
28 - days were needed on an average to contain an external intrusion after detection.
The more the number of days an attacker is within the network, the more damange he would perform and more time would be taken to recover from the damage caused.
In this post, we shall run through the cyber security stats for the year 2016 to help you get an insight of the attack trends :
10% - of the compromises were due to Malicious File upload vulnerability whereas 7% were due to Malicious insiders.
23% - of the total compromises have been targeted towards organizations from the retail industry.
40% - increase in compromises affecting corporate and internal networks in 2015.
31% - of the attacks, the attackers were targetting the Card Track data.
29% - of the attacks, the attackers targetting Card data from E-commerce transactions.
79% - of the attacks were self-detected by the Latin Americans. However, 59% of the customer's attacks were detected by Law enforcement and Regulatory bodies.
168 - days are required on an average to detect an intrusion and were contained in approximately 15 days.
28 - days were needed on an average to contain an external intrusion after detection.
The more the number of days an attacker is within the network, the more damange he would perform and more time would be taken to recover from the damage caused.
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